Product Review of Hyundai Waco Ultra-Filtration (UF) Hollow Fibres Membrane

Hyundai Waco Ultra-Filtration (UF) Hollow Fibers Membrane Product Review

The Hyundai Wacotec Ultra-Filtration (UF) filter is best suited for removing high molecular weight substances, colloidal materials, organic and inorganic polymeric molecules, and bacteria up to 99.99% except minerals. Filtration pore size is up to 0.03 microns (or 0.03 millimeters). This means that any substances or microorganisms larger than 0.03 microns will be filtered off.


UF Membrane Filter Specifications



UF Membrane Filter

Max Flow Rate

0.5 GPM(1.9Lit)

Working Pressure

1 4 kgf/cm2 14 57 psi


33 ~ 100’F (4 ~ 38)


5,000 gal (18,900 lit)

Service Life

About 18 to 24 months

Evaporated remains

Below 500 ppm or less

 Characteristics of an Ultra-filtration (UF) Membrane

There are a few important characteristics of a good UF membrane.

Firstly, a UF membrane comes with pore sizes in the range of 0.03 to 0.05 microns. They are usually used to remove high molecular-weight substances (such as sediments and suspended solids), colloidal materials, organic and inorganic polymeric molecules, and bacteria. However, ions and minerals in the water will be allowed to pass through. 

 Secondly, because of the structural construction and polymeric nature of the UF, it can operate at low pressure. This makes the water pressure found in our homes more than sufficient to achieve high flow rates from an ultrafiltration membrane. The flow rate of a membrane is defined as the amount of permeate (product flow after filtration) produced per unit. In this case, the Hyundai Wacotec UF filter shows excellent water permeability.

In addition, operating at low pressure also means the setup does not require any mechanical or electrical power to assist. As a result, many homes’ operating costs become more economical and affordable.

What can a UF be filtered off of?

The illustration below shows which elements can be filtered off by ultrafiltration filters and which are allowed to pass through. Do note that monovalent and multivalent ions that are essential for our bodies are allowed to pass through the UF filters. However, others, such as viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, and suspended solids such as rust, heavy metals, etc., will be filtered off.

Hyundai Wacotec UF Hollow Fiber Element Material Specifications







Outer Diameter

450+_20 um


Inner Diameter

270+_15 um


Particle Size Cutoff

< 0.03 um

20, 1kg/㎠

Pure water flux

50L / min.㎡

20, 1kg/㎠, initial rate

Operation Pressure




To demonstrate the effectiveness of the Hyundai Wacotec UF filter, the manufacturer conducted a laboratory test, and below is the outcome:

The above result shows that the UF filter by Hyundai Waco removes 100% all bacteria and other


Bacteria Reduction
1. Bacteria : E. Coli
2. Influent: 725 CFU/ml
3. Effluent: Negative (0 CFU/ml, 100% Reduced)

  • Certified by KOTRIC (Korea Testing & Research Institute for Chemical Industry)

The above laboratory result shows that the Hyundai Wacotec UF filter removes 100% of all bacteria and other microorganisms while allowing the important minerals and ions to pass through. 

  • The above test was certified by KOTRIC (Korea Testing & Research Institute for Chemical Industry).

This Hyundai Wacotec UF filter also comes with NSF-certified components (tested and certified to ANSI/NSF Standard 42). A NSF certification means that the filter is manufactured according to stringent standards, using only approved materials and processes that are required for drinking water. At the same time, this UF filter also comes with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certification.

 The service life for this filter is rather long at 18,900 liters. For a typical household with four family members, this service life means that the UF filter could last up to 24 months before replacement kicks in.


The Hyundai Wacotec UF Filter is a very good filter that can be used to pair up with other in-line filters such as Hy-Q Aqua Pre-Carbon, Post-Carbon, and even Nano-PH Alkaline filters. Based on the filter specifications and performance, it can be safely said that this filter performs at a very high level of filtration. A test report indicated that it is able to filter off bacteria, viruses, and other living microorganisms found in the water.

With a filtration capacity of 5000 gal (or 18,900 liters), it can be safely said that the life span for any home’s usage should be around 2 years before replacement kicks in. Therefore, this filter is a good fit to supplement all of our water dispensers and water coolers. Or it could also be used on its own without any dispensers.

For more information on product information and installation options, please call Hi-Tech at  67493003 or click the following link:

Hy-Q Aqua 4-Stage Sediment, Ultra-Filtration (UF), Pre-Carbon & Post-Carbon Filtration System

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